Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I got a random message on facebook today from a dude in Israel (that I don't know - just for the record). It said " Hey there. i'm a great fan of hers. do you study literature?". Yeah. Weird. If you missed the 'hers' part I'm assuming he means my more -talented-and-famous-and-dead namesake. Or am I her namesake? ANYWHO. It's odd.

My brain is mush with math. Little kid math though.

Cannot wait until Christmas break. Only a week today. I think that's even scarier because I have so much to do in that week. Enough bitching.

What no new Gilmore Girls tonight?????

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I think I'm going to start putting up work on the fridge again. I remember how proud I used to be when one of my drawings or stories or math worksheets got to go up, and I liked that. One good thing about being back in high school *ahem* I mean teachers college *ahem* is all the great comments that get written on my work. In uni, if the prof wrote a comment, it was usually brief and not legible and something that could be classified as 'constructive criticism'. However, here I am getting all these happy, self-esteem boosting comments. It's great. Stupid that it makes me smile but still. It's the brown-noser from days past in my I suppose. It's like the teachers are trying to make us forget how hard university was and just give us a lot of praise so we'll pass it on to our kids. The other day it was 'you should be proud of this work'. Today's sticky note that is going up is "Wow!!! This is great writing, Emily!!". And I didn't embellish any of those exclamation points.

By the way Jess, I think the idea of a shared journal (yes like the traveling pants) is a great idea. We had that sort of a concept at one of the flats I lived at, we all had access to it and everyone coming and going (which were a lot of people) wrote in it whenever they pleased. There were some great stories in there.

Monday, December 04, 2006

So I switched seasons within four hours Sunday. So nice and warm in the G-spot (tee hee) and then up here in the Bay it's full out winter. Oi. Beautiful though, the snow is just lovely. Cold not as lovely. But I am getting a fancy shmancy winter coat soon so huzzah to that!

Life goes on as usual. Just finished my placement with the little grade 1/2's. Glad that was over just because I was so tired. Had fun though. Some of my kids cried when I left the school. Just got my placement for February and turns out I'm in the same school. Not pleased with that at all. It's such a small community and not at all a real school experience. Grr. Going to write an angry letter to the practice teaching office.

Moving on. Cannot wait until Christmas holidays. Apparently there will be ice fishing, and snowmobiling and skating on the canal and beaver tails. Mmm mmm.

Oi my life is so boring. Ha ha. I have not had any lesbian dreams (at least lately). I have not drank on a Monday night in a very long time. Sorry Jess. I could go on and on about how excited I am for my new adventure but it is too far away right now to start ranting about it.

I miss my kittycat today. I had a dream about kitties last night. They were so soft and fluffy and it's sort of pathetic I dream about kitties.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Does anyone remember the show 'Student Bodies'? Well the token nerd of the show, Chris Sheppard, is now our lead weather man during the morning on our Canadian Weather Network. So poor people like me that have an actual Earth and Atmospheric Science degree can't get jobs, but washed-up-20something-actors-who-played-teens can? Anyway back to the point of the story. He was talking about some area that had a lot of freezing rain, and went off on a tangent about how he took a vacation in the town and it was lovely etc. He said the campus was "full of students". Yes. That is quite normal I think. Dumbass.

Just a few more days until I head back to the classroom. Just have to get through these next 3 weeks and I foresee everything relating to teachers college improving. So woot for that. I guess that's a premature woot.

Ok falling asleep in class now...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This blog has reached a new level of non-updated-ness. Oops. Here's the down low. I'm in teachers college. I'm not a huge fan (don't tell anyone here - they all seem to love it). I'm learning some really cool things but on a whole I'm not convinced the classroom is the place for me. Which is not a big deal since having a teaching degree will only be a good thing to have. Can be used in a variety of ways. Like a supply teacher if I ever get to move out west.... ha ha.

Life in North Bay is ok. Not a huge fan of this town either. Ha ha. See that's why I haven't been updating! There's only so much you can say about things that you're not too keen on. Plus I've been feeling a little nonchalant about life lately. Due to the above two reasons I'm sure.

But do not fear, in 6 short (actually at this rate - long) months I shall be done and able to move onto new and exciting and blog worthy things.

Happy Halloween! We did trick or treat bags today in class and now I have a whole bunch of candy to nibble on in class. Speaking of class...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I am getting bored with the internet. I have been procrastinating for too many years now and the internet no longer holds any excitement for me. Moving on.

I just saw a commercial on tv for Match.com. They guarantee that ' you find love or you get 6 months free'. Is that how things work nowadays? You sign up with a dating agency and they guarantee you love? Wtf???

And in more random news being in teachers college involves tons and tons of work. Even when I'm out on practicum. Or on the weekends. Or anytime at all. But the chillins are cute. I got to play with the JKs today even though I'm in a 1/2 class. They are teeny. I think they were scared of me because I was looming over them.

Oh I got an outdoor ed placement for April. Woot woot to that one!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Well here's a post because for some reason Jess requested some information regarding my boobs. Alright... I'll take whatever requests I can get. Ha ha. That information will come later though.

As you can see from the picture (which hopefully loads on this very slow Nipissing wireless - that's my back you see) I had a great weekend of playing and adventuring and trying new things. I was sworn to secrecy about some aspects of the weekend (not that anyone reading this blog is actually in my class) but it was an amazing weekend. I love how no matter how many times I repeat an outdoor ed activity, I still learn new things. Plus I picked up a few new games and cool ideas for make-your-own outdoor ed resources.

Back to reality though and the endless busy work that seems to be teachers college. It's really just like high school - they take attendance and all that jazz. Plus there is tons of homework. I think I'll soon adjust to all the work though. However I'm going on day 7 of school in this building and day 7 of a headache. Every single day I've been in the building I've had one. And nothing on the weekends. Must be allergic to this place.

Oh and for Jess. On the weekend we were playing a game that I call 'hot chocolate river' (forget what name they used). Basically you have a set number of carpet pieces and have to make it across the 'lava' as a group without having anyone step into it. Anywho... I had one girl who I was in charge of (because she was blindfolded) and she kept grabbing at me when she needed to get her balance. We ended up hugging each other for most of the game. And on several occasions she kept grabbing my boobs (because she couldn't see and apparently they were at grabbing level). It was funny. We laughed and the teacher took incriminating photos.

Hmmm. Blogger doesn't like me click on the link that adds pictures. What's that all about?